Pagewood Centro Uccello
128 Bunnerong Rd | Eastgardens
The Pagewood Centro is part of an island development unlike anything seen before in Australia.
Uccello is the first release within the Pagewood Centro master planned community boasting the tallest towers in Pagewood and Eastgardens, bookended by two expansive parks
Uccello’s two iconic towers will rise 20 levels above the brand-new Pagewood Centro retail precinct which will form the Town Centre, offering 23 specialty stores, a major national supermarket and an open-air laneway lined with restaurants and outdoor dining.
Project Scope: Construction of two freestanding buildings comprising tower forms above separate podium bases – including residential apartments together with communal recreational facilities, a supermarket and other retail premises – excavation to create basement levels to accommodate carparking, associated landscaping and servicing infrastructure, a publicly accessible pedestrian through site link and construction and embellishment of private roads.
AED was engaged to provide building certification services which included issuing construction certificates, undertaking critical stage building inspections and issuing occupation certificates for the development in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979